I was looking around online for solutions to get Hard drive size and found it seemed to be a pretty hot topic and had many complicated solutions. Most of which either required building a separate .vbs script to be called in sql or utilizing a WMI connection with WQL query. Although it was interesting reading about this stuff I did not like how complicated it was. A very smart man once said "Do everything as simple as possible but no simpler" Eventually I found a simple solution..
A CMD Shell function which spits out drive size in bytes. So I was able dump the results into a temp to isolate the size of the drive with a little charindex, little math and shazam! ...Still cant believe there is no built in SQL Function for this. SQL Server 2010? :p
DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(8000) ,@STRING VARCHAR(MAX) ,@INTSTARTINDEX int ,@INTENDINDEX int ,@SUBSTRING VARCHAR(50) ,@Size BIGINT ,@Disk VARCHAR(50) SET @Disk = 'H' --Set Drive Letter. CREATE TABLE #Line (Line VARCHAR(8000)) SET @cmd = 'fsutil volume diskfree ' + @Disk + ':' INSERT INTO #Line EXEC MASTER..Xp_cmdshell @cmd SET @STRING = (SELECT * FROM #Line WHERE line LIKE '%Total # of bytes%') SET @INTSTARTINDEX = Charindex('bytes', @STRING) + 20 -- THE NUMBER OF CHARACTERS IN THE WORD 'FILE(S)' SET @INTENDINDEX = Charindex(':', @STRING) + 20 SET @SUBSTRING = Rtrim(Ltrim(Substring(@STRING, @INTSTARTINDEX, @INTENDINDEX - @INTSTARTINDEX))) SET @Size = @SUBSTRING SELECT @Disk as 'Drive', @Size/1073741824 as 'Size GB' DROP TABLE #Line
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